Brain Wave States and Binaural Beats


Your brain is made up of billions of brain cells called neurons, which use electricity to communicate with each other. The combination of millions of neurons sending signals at once produces a significant amount of electrical activity in the brain, which can be detected using sensitive medical equipment such as an electroencephalogram (EEG).

This electrical activity of the brain is commonly known as a Brainwave pattern, because of its cyclic, ‘wave-like’ nature. You can train your brain to change your brainwaves by learning meditation and relaxation techniques. However, it can take weeks, and for some people even years to experience the proven and powerful benefits of brainwave entrainment through meditation alone.

There is also a shortcut to getting the best from your brainwaves by using an audio tone known as binaural beats.

Binaural beats effectively entrain and synchronise your brainwaves to enhance any specific brainwave pattern. This allows you to rapidly enter states of relaxation, focus, high-energy, or meditation whenever you want.

The word binaural means “having or relating to two ears”. This represents the process, which works by simultaneously sending a marginally different sound frequency to each ear through headphones.

Brainwave entrainment happens inside the brain, and is caused by a physiological response. Upon hearing two tones of different frequencies – sent simultaneously to the left and right ears – the brain perceives a third tone based on the mathematical difference between the two frequencies.

The brain then follows along at the new frequency and produces brainwaves at the same rate of Hertz (Hz).

For example: if a 200 Hz sound frequency is sent to the left ear, and a 205 Hz to the right ear, the brain will process those two frequencies and perceive a new frequency at 5 Hz.

The brain then follows along at the new frequency (5 Hz), producing brainwaves at the same rate of Hertz (Hz). The technical term for this process is ‘frequency following response’.


Brain Wave States and Binaural Beats

The five categories of brainwaves according to frequency:

Gamma-brainwaves (~40-100 Hz) – Feeling of blessings, deep trance meditation, heightened perception

Gamma brain waves are the fastest and smallest brainwaves ranging from 40-70 Hz (more or less). Most commonly, they appear to be in the 40 Hz range. It has been noted that higher level cognitive activities occur when brain waves suddenly hit the 40 cycle range.

There is some debate over whether gamma brain waves are in a distinct class or are just another level of beta waves. Until recently, they have received little attention from researchers and were just thought of as “noise”.

Gamma brain waves naturally occur while awakening and during REM sleep. They are found throughout the brain and allow parts of the brain to communicate with each other. Gamma brain waves are associated with precognition, processing high levels of information, and a greater perception of reality and consciousness.

People with plenty of gamma waves are usually happier, more energetic, and have higher I.Q.levels. They are more focused and aware, and tend to be more compassionate than folks with fewer gamma brain waves.

Peak performers often have more gamma waves than others. Experienced Buddhist meditators reach the gamma mind frequency during focused meditations and loving-kindness meditations.

Gamma brain wave meditation. Do not use gamma waves just before bed since it keeps you awake.

Beta-brainwaves (~13.5-39 Hz) – Awake, normal alert, consciousness

Beta-waves are behind most of our conscious activity. They are associated with activities such as logical thinking, writing, reading and socializing. They are thus crucial for our accomplishments in school, work and social life But too much beta-activity in our brain can lead to stress or anxiety and this is the case for many adults in modern society, as we are constantly on the go and in a reactive mode. Coffee and other stimulants increase the beta-activity in our brain.

Beta is the level of normal waking consciousness and focus. Your brain waves are at the faster beta level when you are engaged in conversation or an activity.  You are alert, can make decisions and comparisons, and solve problems.

Usually in beta, one side of the brain is dominant. Most women are right brain dominant while men tend to be left brain dominant.

Higher levels of beta are related to anxiety, stress, separation, and dis-ease.

When slower, your thinking is clearer. Brain hemispheres synchronize and can communicate better with each other.

Alpha-brainwaves (~7.5-13.5 Hz) – Relaxed, calm, lucid, not thinking, Zen Zone

The alpha brain wave frequency is slower than beta. Alpha brain waves range from 9-14 cycles per second. Faster alpha brain waves are related to relaxed focused attention. This is a receptive learning state of mind.

You experience alpha when engrossed in a movie, book or activity. That is all you are aware of. This is a very light trance or hypnotic state.  Alpha is considered to be the bridge between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

At deeper, slower alpha you are not quite asleep and still have some conscious awareness and waking. This state is related to focused attention and intuition. Having more alpha brain waves is equated with feeling happier and a greater sense of well-being.

The Silva Mind Method for learning, manifesting, and healing yourself and others works by first entering the alpha level of mind. At alpha, it is easier to change and reprogram your mind so you can change your health.

Too little alpha-activity in the brain could lead to anxiety, high stress levels or insomnia.

Alpha brain wave music for studying.


Theta-brainwaves (~4-7.5 Hz) – Deep relaxation and meditation, mental imaginery

Theta brain waves vary from 5-8 cycles per second. They are associated with dreaming, visions, and more contact with the unconscious mind. The mind frequency of young children is mostly theta.  Their subconscious minds are easily programmed and they have difficulty discerning between reality and imagination. Adults who make too many theta brain waves may be considered delusional.

At theta, you have free flowing ideas and think creatively. You release a burst of theta waves and pleasurable brain chemicals as a reward for learning something new, making a fundamental shift in your perspective, or have an “aha” moment.

You can really put the power of your subconscious mind to work for you when you reach deep alpha or theta brain wave frequency levels.  Your healing and manifesting visualizations and affirmations are more likely to get to your subconscious mind and have the power to influence it.

When your brainwaves slow, there is less interference from the conscious mind. You relax and your brain is more open to incoming suggestions.

Theta brain wave meditation: Theta wave is good to use just before bed.

Delta-brainwaves (~0-4 Hz) –Deep, dreamless sleep

Delta waves are the slowest mind frequency. They occur during deep dreamless sleep. Your unconscious autonomic processes are carried out through these slow, large brainwaves. They occur at 1.5 to 4Hz.

You are in an advanced state of meditation during waking delta. This state is associated with kundalini experiences.

Because delta waves are so large, the brain is forced to handle a lot more energy than usual. It has to create new neural pathways to accommodate the extra energy. This helps improve communication between both sides of the brain.

People who make a lot of delta waves are incredibly persuasive with other people and manifest powerfully. In the right hands this ability can be used for great good. It is said that if you can stay awake at the delta level you can subconscious mind power to deliberately affect not only your own programming, but the universal consciousness as well.

When you are in the relaxed brain frequencies of alpha, theta and delta brain waves, your mind and your body heal naturally and are open to suggestion. The goal of slowing brain wave frequency via entrainment, meditation, hypnosis or relaxation is to help you program your mind with suggestions that are in line with your current health and life desires instead of just being at the mercy of past programming from your childhood.

NOTE! If you have pacemaker or have any neurological disorders consult first with your MD to use any brain waves or binaural beats,

Do you use brain waves and binaural beats for meditation or studies? I have found these very helpful when studying and meditating.


Feel free to comment below or send me an email.

Health, Love & Light  ♡


Key words; brain waves, binaural beats, healing, holistic, holistic health




10 thoughts on “Brain Wave States and Binaural Beats

  1. thank you so much or explaining the difference between the Hz………and for the warning. I do have a neurological disorder but none of my health care providers understand frequencies………how could I find out if I am able to continue using these meditations? thank you for your assistance.


  2. Recently have been exposed to energy healing. Had my first session and felt something. I’ve been seeking other holistic therapies and as a musician was naturally drawn to it. I’ve been listening to binaural beats on YouTube for years to relax me for sleep. Never knew about any of the theory or science until two days ago.

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